Ver la versión completa : Estoy muy triste

04-jul-2008, 12:51
I don't really know how to put into words the events of tonight.
We were saying goodbye to friends who are emigrating to Australia tomorrow. Drinking a cup of tea and reminiscing about the old days when Phil, my partner, heard a thud. He got up to see what it was and I heard him shout "Ghosty cat!!"

We all got up and went outside and there in the middle of the road, lying in a way any owner doesn't ever want to see their pet lie, was my beloved Chomsky cat. He was named Chomsky but everyone used to call him Ghosty due to is whiteness (though we rarely saw him white 'cos he used to love having dirt baths).
He was on his side with a tyre mark right across his beautiful white belly. He had already gone into shock. I laid down with my face next to his and I gently stroked his beautiful face. I kissed his cheek and spoke softly to him.

He died.

We buried him.


04-jul-2008, 13:06
Right now I´m crying like a grey cloud let the raindrops fall over the desert...
I´m very sorry for you and your friend... and also for all those beings who die with nobody whispering soft words to them...

04-jul-2008, 13:30
I´m very sorry, treehugger. :(

04-jul-2008, 13:40
Look at this as a new beginning, as a reminder from life that tells us: "You have to get use to the fact that nothing is permanent, everything changes so the flow of life can continue."
It was the time for Chomsky to go. Think of what can you learn from this :)
Chin up okay gurl?

04-jul-2008, 17:35
I am really sorry for this...

04-jul-2008, 17:48
I am very sorry for your loss :(

04-jul-2008, 18:31
Hi Treehugger, I truly sympathize with you as I know what it is to lose a dear furry friend, although never in such traumatic circumstances. I suffer for every run over animal I see by the road and specially for cats... they are my soft spot and I cannot help feeling even sorrier for them than for other animals. I was really moved by your story and can imagine very well how you felt when you saw poor Chomsky lying on the road and how you are feeling right now. I wish I could say something to soothe your sorrow...


04-jul-2008, 19:12
I am so sorry. I don't know what to say, I can't find the words. Hope you are ok

04-jul-2008, 21:35
I am really sorry too. I know that awful feeling. Do not be sad, please!
Just think in the happy moments you have shared with ghosty.

lots of hugs

05-jul-2008, 11:00
Thank you so much for all your lovely lovely words.
When I catch myself crying I have to remind myself who I'm crying for.
I'm not crying for Chomsky - because he lived a wonderful, carefree, happy and loving life. I'm not crying for Chomsky because he has moved on and his spirit if free to roam places, I know his curious mind will love. I am not crying for Chomsky because I was there with him and loved him with all my heart and soul. And he knew that.

I cry for me because I miss him so much.

But I have memories and they will be with me forever.

All your words and kind thoughts have meant so much to me.

You guys ROCK!


sargenta pimienta
01-sep-2008, 14:26
OMG... i feel really sorry for you...i really adore cats and now that I am reading this I am almost in tears...

I send you a big, big huf from here. (L)

sargenta pimienta
01-sep-2008, 14:27
i meant hug there, sorry.

01-sep-2008, 14:38
I'm very sorry for you, treehugger.
Remember how happy you both were in each other's company, the wonderful memories you have about him and the great life he had by your side.
With love, from a friend.

13-sep-2008, 18:26
Im sorry for your loss.
