Ver la versión completa : Morris Krok Passes On

31-ene-2006, 11:51
I am sad to report that good friend of many, Morris Krok has passed away in his native South Africa. He was approximately in his early 70s. He had cancer which began on his leg which was amputated earlier this year and he wrote me a few months ago that he even tried radiation therapy. I think this was the same leg on which he had a big ulcer he showed me in the early 90s when he was still in superb fitness and enjoyed great vitality. He was not 100% raw. He blamed his problem on his terrible diet in his youth and on cooked food temptations from family. Interestingly, I believe he told me once that before retiring he made a living at bookkeeping, working for his twin brother who ran a pharmaceutical company.

Morris wrote many books on raw food health and yoga such as his classic Fruit the Food & Medicine for Man and on his old printing press he reprinted many books including the classic Yoga Gave Me Superior Health by Theos Barnard. Morris published more books on fruitarian diet than anyone in history and as far as I can tell he was the first in modern times to write books on yoga and the importance of raw food diet for physical and spiritual ascension. His used a few business names, such as Custodian Publishing, Health Creation, Essence of Health and Euphorbics.

He read and collected thousands of rare and obscure health books. He told me that he was always in the middle of reading at least 5 books. Internal purification and yoga seemed to be his favorite themes. He practiced yoga and the yogic vomit and mostly ate mono fruit meals. I visited his daughter’s home in the Bay Area a few times which Morris visited with his wife and I only saw him make meals of one piece of fruit and he seemed very satisfied and happy. He showed me a letter sent to him by Dr. Herbert Shelton where Shelton refuted Morris’ claim that yoga is beneficial. Thirteen years ago we went for a run and I could not keep up with him. He spoke to the SF Living Food Support Group several times in the late 80s through mid 90s, demonstrating advanced yoga techniques. He loved to run and completed 12 or more ultra-marathons. In the 1950s he caused a great nationwide stir in South Africa when a major newspaper ran a story about Morris’ proclamation that fruit is the proper food for humans.

Morris was a fountain of enthusiasm and good info on yoga and fitness. With me and some friends he always thought and talked about health, and through the hundreds of thousands of books he must have sold he helped many people learn about the highest truth of health; but, as we have seen before, we are all fragile and modern life and unhealthful thinking can be perilous. He told me he would have been a goner in his early 20s from extremely poor diet (Coca Cola, cakes and bread) – he was very ill with searing head pains and he was not able to stand up and walk straight; however, he discovered raw nutrition, yoga and running and these extended his life over 50 more years. I’ll keep his writings alive through Living Nutrition and I hope his daughter will continue to offer Morris’ huge stock of books for sale. I could never thank him enough for reprinting Yoga Gave Me Superior Health – it’s the most inspiring, enthralling and clearly written book I’ve ever read. He passionately loved helping people overcome their ills, greatly helped the raw food movement and he will be missed, but never forgotten

To read many unedited writings by Morris, see http://www.livingnutrition.com/fwn/read.php?1,426

-Dave Klein

How old was he when he went off?--

he was only 73 ---

Thats not much, but if he would not have been raw neither fruitarian, i guess he would not even have made 65. My father died on cancer with 62 years of age.
My grandfather did not die on cancer with 73 but he had no nice dead in the oldpeoples home.
It was such a petty, that i did not see him before he died, because i loved him very much.
He was my Grandfather.

I come to the conclusion: Under those circumstances your friend made a long way and had the best life. He must have been a realy wonderful person.
The world needs wonderful people again and again. If he would not had weakened his body in his early days may be he would still be alive. But also it was his way and his Karma. He did good and That´s helpy. Good luck fruitfriend and be happy in paradise.
