Ver la versiĆ³n completa : AR2010- International Animal Rights Gathering

18-mar-2010, 04:05
The International Animal Rights Gathering 2010 is being hosted by a collective of Italian animal liberation activists.

The Gathering will start on Thursday 8th July and continue through Sunday 11th July, ending with breakfast on Monday morning.

Following this, there will be some demos on Monday in the afternoon.

We agreed to organise the gathering in our country because we recognise the importance of an event in which brings together hundreds of activists from tens of different countries and even different continents, to meet and share ideas, thoughts, experiences, tactics, projects and fun. The annual gatherings have been very useful in bringing activists together, sparking cooperation and global campaigning and giving more strength both to individuals and the animal liberation movement.

Maybe you need to relax and recharge your batteries, you need to pause for thought, to learn more about practical issues, to evolve as an activist, to meet interesting people, to be motivated after years of campaigning, to find new ideas, to meet your friends living far from home and discuss things with them face to face, to share the empathy you feel for animals being abused worldwide, and to return home with renewed energy.... You all need something that this gathering can offer you!

This is not OUR gathering but it is also YOUR gathering. It is something the whole animal rights/liberation movement should be putting a little effort into, by attending it, giving talks and workshops, bringing your campaigning material to spread it and share it with others, helping out with all the work there will be during the days of the gathering, or even donating to our fund to help us rent equipment and help activists form less rich countries attend this event.

We hope to see many of you there and that we have a good AR 2010 together!


18-mar-2010, 10:19
Thanks Veggiepride.

I think it would be a good idea to translate this and post it in the Activismo section, I'm sure it will be of interest to a few.

18-mar-2010, 13:47
Thanks Veggiepride.

I think it would be a good idea to translate this and post it in the Activismo section, I'm sure it will be of interest to a few.

You're wellcome!

I think the same but finally is Administracion who decides. May be you can translate this because my english is pathetic. :p

19-mar-2010, 00:56
Ah, but you don't have to translate into English, but viceversa! If you can understand the core of the message, you could translate it into Spanish expressing it the way you think best, as long as the most important details are posted... :)