Ver la versión completa : Hematología, bioquímica y densidad ósea en vegetarianos y no vegetarianos

Mad doctor
14-jul-2010, 10:41
Estudio de diciembre de 2009

West Indian Med J. 2009 Dec;58(6):512-7.

Haematological, biochemical and bone density parameters in vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Sambol SZ, Stimac D, Orlić ZC, Guina T.

Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia. silvijazecsambol@email.t-com.hr


OBJECTIVE: The objective is to determine any possible differences between haematological, biochemical and bone mineral density in vegetarians (vegans and lacto-ovovegetarians) and non-vegeterians.

METHODS: The examined group consisted of 100 individuals: 50 non-vegetarians and 50 vegetarians. The vegetarian group was further divided in 2 subgroups: 20 vegans and 30 lacto-ovovegetarians. In all participants, plasma levels of erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit, iron, low density lipoprotein, (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL) total cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose were measured. Quantitative ultrasound parameters of the right calcaneus were determined in all participants.

RESULTS: The results showed that lacto-ovovegetarians had statistically significantly higher red blood cell counts and haematocrit values than non-vegetarians. Vegans also had higher haematocrit values than non-vegetarians. Statistically significant differences were found between iron plasma levels in the examined groups. Iron levels were lower in non-vegetarians than in vegans and lacto-ovovegetarians. Non-vegetarians had much higher levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL than the other two groups, but there were no differences found between same values in vegans and lacto-ovovegetarians.

CONCLUSION: A well planned and balanced vegetarian diet, with avoidance of risk factors, does not result in abnormalities in laboratory tests and bone status parameters.


La población vegetariana tiene recuentos celulares en sangre superiores a los de la población no vegetariana, y los veganos tiene el hematocrito aún más alto que los vegetarianos.

Los niveles de hierro eran más bajos en vegetarianos que en veganos (asumo que debido a una menor variedad de alimentos por la falsa confianza que da el consumo de leche y huevos, y por el efecto directo de estos sobre el secuestro y la reducción de la biodisponibilidad del hierro, menor vitamina C y arginina...).

Lo único que tenían más alto los nove getarianos eran los niveles de colesterol, triglicéridos y LDL (colesterol malo).