Ver la versión completa : Vegetarian week 2010

02-oct-2010, 18:14
The International Vegetarian Week (IVW) is a date - the first days of October. These days many events are organised around the world, to promote the vegetarian lifestyle.


The Institute for Environmental Policy will promote wide campaign, in the Internet and the national mass media.

See the website maintained by the Australian Vegetarian Society for more information and activities.

The Loving Hut will offer various discounts and a free donut for customers bringing a non-veg friend.

•Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira (SVB) will celebrate the first anniversary of "Segunda Sem Carne" (Meatless Mondays). More details.
•Anna Kingsford group of SVB promotes a colloquium about Anna Kingsford's Christian Buddhist vegetarianism. Contacts.

•Toronto Vegetarian Association will promote the third Annual Totally Fabulous Vegan Bake-off, on October 2.
•Dorit, of Serenity Spaces, will give a talk about the Vegetarian Week in Weightwise & Healthy Lifestyle Expo, in Toronto.
Association Végétarienne de France promotes the "Journées Mondiales Végétariennes". More details.

Delhi, India
Sonadi will have posters promoting the vegetarian diet on their vans.

Indonesia Vegetarian Society (IVS) will be organising the 39th International Vegetarian Union congress: in Jakarta 1-6 and Bali 7-9 October 2010. More details.

Budaveg will offer accommodation discounts in bookings in between 1 and 7 October.

See the website maintained by AgireOra Network for a complete list of activities.

Naturanimales and Mundo Vegania will promote a demonstration in Mexico city, October 3, and distribute pamphlets about the vegetarian diet.

The Animal Life Foundation will promote a mediatic campaign in which people are challenged not to eat fish or meat. More details.

New Zealand
New Zealand Vegetarian Society will hold the Vegetarian Food & Lifestyle Festival, in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. More details.

See the website maintained by Centro Vegetariano for a complete list of activities.

Societatea Vegetarienilor din Romania promotes the vegetarian week and these activities:

•Oct. 7th: a first organizing get-together for an action-discussion group on animal rights;
•Oct. 8th: screening the film Earthlings at a local vegetarian cafe-restaurant in Bucarest;
•The whole week: handing out flyers about the advantages of being vegetarian.

VITA, Animal Rights Center will promote the campaign, in the Internet and the national mass media, by organising TV programs, promoting books, vegan recipes, and interviews. More details.

United Kingdom
VIVA! will promote the March for Farmed Animals in London, October 2.

United States of America
•San Francisco Vegetarian Society will be organising the 11th World Veg Festival, 2-3 October. More details.
•Compassion for Animals will organise leaflet distribution campaigns. More details.

Some activities will be promoted on a global range, including:

•Green Lifestyle Festival - Will promote several vegan cooking videos online.
•Webnethouse - 1 year free hosting for new accounts opened during the Vegetarian Week (domain not inc.).
•Samara Foundation will highlight the video "Conscious Nutrition" in their websites and newsletters.


Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRQNQEavjW8)

09-nov-2010, 10:07
:) Gracias por la info.

Aunque llegue tarde, para el año que viene.

Ademas viene una web de la animal life foundation en netherlands (holanda), país que me interesa bastante todo lo que pueda hacer en cuestion de veganismo , ya que me gustaria vivir o visitar durante un tiempo largo ( vivir unos 3 meses minimo) y visitar una semana o asi y el caso es que me gustaria saber para si cuando viva alli si es que vivo (bendita mi suerte si es asi o mi lucha por conseguirlo) lo que tienen alli, como luchan y demas.

Muchisimas gracias en serio , por el enlace y el video que vere mas adelante.
