Ver la versión completa : Any native english?

09-jun-2008, 08:23

I need a little help please.

I don't know if you heard about he case of Regina (if you don't, please look it up above)
A canadian association (a non-profit one) ask me if I could translate a letter from spanish to english. I can speak english and I understand tha language but I have a poor writing level, so would you be son kind to check my translation please? :D
It's just one page and there is no special terminology or difficult things, I just need it to sound native for the people take the message seriously.


Here is the original:

Tenemos que difundirlo, tenemos que hacer que todo el mundo conozca que tipo de atrocidades se comenten con los animales en España, no podemos permitir que esto vuelva a suceder, no podemos permitir que no nos tomen en serio, no podemos permitir que los perturbados que han hecho esto no paguen por ello, no podemos permitir que una asociación que lleva años luchando tenga que huir de su zona.

Las fotos son muy fuertes, por no mirarlas o por borrar este correo estas cosas no dejará de suceder,..no es la primera vez que sucede ni será la última, en esta protectora y en muchas otras.

Por favor difundir.


Hola a todos los compañeros/as:

en primer lugar, en nombre de todo el equipo de ribercan, agradecer a todas aquellas personas que se han puesto en contacto con nosotros para prestarnos todo su apoyo y ayuda.

Regina era una cruce de mastín de 5 años de edad, encantadora, asustadiza, que poco a poco conseguimos que se dejara tocar e incluso conseguimos que nos diese besitos.

Ella no se merecía lo que la hicieron, unos personajes dementes, sin sentimientos y crueles, por no llamarles hijos de ...,
no les bastó con llevarse a tres perros de las instalaciones (dos han aparecido, uno por los alrededores y otra tirada por la valla ayer domingo), abrir varias jaulas, destrozar varias vallas para acceder dentro, sino que los salvajes éstos, cogieron a nuestra Regina, ataron sus patas con alambre (el cual no estaba cuando nosotros llegamos), abusaron sexualmente de ella, la introdujeron una fruta en su orificio anal y la golpearon salvajemente en la cabeza hasta que el pobre animal no tuvo fuerzas para resistir y falleció en un charco de sangre, de esta forma tan inhumana, salvaje y cruel.

Necesitamos ayuda tanto en difusión a través de correos electrónicos como difundirlo a través de todos los medios de comunicación posibles.

Hemos decidido pedir ayuda a todas las protectoras de españa para dar una seguridad a los perros de los que disponemos en ribercan.

Tememos por sus vidas y por las nuestras, como voluntarios de la asociación.

Necesitamos toda la ayuda posible para ir desalojando la protectora, pensamos que la cruel salvajada de este viernes pasado volverá a repetirse y quizá podría ser mucho peor.

Por favor, como voluntaria de la protectora de animales de carcaixent pido ayuda para poder salvarles la vida al resto de perros que continúan en las instalaciones.

muchas gracias por vuestra atención.

Un saludo,

ENGLISH (mine...:rolleyes: )

We have to transmit it, we have to make the people know about the horrible things that happen to animals here in Spain. We cannot allow this, we have to avoid this things to be repeat, those who done that, the responsible, have to take us seriously and pay for that. We cannot permit the fact that this association which has been struggling for years has now to run away from its own area.
Pictures are very strong, and even if you don’t look at it, or delete it, those things will still happening anyway... it is not the first time and it won’t be the last, in this association and in many others.

Please transmit it.


Hi everybody:

On the first hand, in the name of Ribercan staff, I want to thank all the people who contacted us and who offer us its support and its help.

Regina was crossed with mastiff and was 5 years old, she was lovely and skittish and, little by little, we finally could touch her, and we even taught her to kiss us.

She didn’t deserve what they have done to her, some mad people, with no feelings and cruel, not to saying sons of a ...
To take three dogs from the facilities wasn’t enough (two of them finally turned up, one in the surroundings and the other have been threw over the barrier on Sunday), open several cages, destroy several barriers to go in, all this wasn’t enough. They also take our Regina, they tether its legs with wire (that we didn’t find), abused her sexually, they put a fruit in its anus and they hit her brutally in the head until that poor animal has no strength to resist anymore and she died in blood puddle, in a inhumane, brutal and cruel way.

We need help and diffusion through mails and through all the medias as much as possible.

We asked all the spanish animal protection societies for help in order to provide security for the dogs we have in Ribercan.

We are afraid for their lives and for ours as volunteers of this association.

We need help to vacate the association because we think that these horrible actions could be repeated and it can be worst.

Please, as a volunteer of the animal protection society of Carcaixent I ask some help in order to save the animals’ life which are still in our facilities.

Thank you for your attention,



09-jun-2008, 11:01
Buenas tardes:

No soy inglés, pero lo manejo un poco. Está bien traducido y tiene impacto (como para no tenerlo, joder). Siendo español y leyéndolo pensaría que es de un inglés.

Un saludo

09-jun-2008, 12:51
Jeje! Gracias! :p

Pero, no sé, a mi no me convence... :confused:

Impacto tiene. La verdad es que una sola foto del caso ya impactaria lo suficiente...

Pues gracias por tu ayuda, ya que no se anima nadie mas :(


09-jun-2008, 13:19

Yo soy inglesa. He modificado un poco la carta para que quede más "ingés nativo".:)

"We MUST SPREAD THE WORD. Everyone must know the atrocities that happen to animals here in Spain. We cannot allow this to happen again. We cannot allow them to not take us seriously. We cannot allow for these unbalanced people to get away with it and not pay for what they have done. We cannot allow for an association, who has been fighting for years, to have to flee the area.
Pictures are very strong, and even if you don’t look at it, or delete it, those things will still happen... it is not the first time that something like this happens, and it won’t be the last, in this association and in many others.

Please transmit it.


Hi everybody:

First of all, in the name of the Ribercan staff, I want to thank all the people who contacted us and who offer us their support and help.

Regina was a 5 year old mongrel crossed with a mastiff. She was lovely and skittish and, little by little, we could finally touch her. We even taught her to give us kisses.

She didn’t deserve what they did to her, those mad people, with no feelings and cruel, not to say sons of a ...

To take three dogs from the facilities wasn’t enough (two of them finally turned up, one in the surroundings and the other was thrown over the barrier on Sunday), open several cages, destroy several barriers. All this wasn’t enough. They also took our Regina, they tied her legs with wire (that we didn’t find), abused her sexually, they put a piece of fruit in her anus and they hit her brutally in the head until the poor animal had no strength to resist anymore. She died in puddle of blood, in a inhumane, brutal and cruel manner.

We need help through circulation of e-mails and through all the media possible.

We have decided to ask all the Spanish animal protection societies for help in order to provide security for dogs Ribercan.

We are afraid for their lives and for ours as volunteers of this association.

We need all the help possible to vacate the association because we think that these horrible actions could be repeated and they could be much worse.

Please, as a volunteer of the animal protection society of Carcaixent I am asking for some help in order to save the lives of those animals that are still in our facilities.

Thank you for your attention,



11-jun-2008, 21:27
Jo tia, muchas gracias!! Efectivamente, suena mejor! ;)

Que contentos se van a poner!!!

Un besote

11-jun-2008, 21:39
Pictures are very strong, and even if you don’t look at it, or delete it,

"Pictures" es plural, así que sería "if you don't look at them, or delete them ...".


13-jun-2008, 18:37
"Pictures are very strong, and even if you don’t look at it, or delete it, those things will still happen"

A mi me suena mejor:

Pictures are very harsh, and even if you don't look at them, or delete them, those things will still happen

14-jun-2008, 04:56
Gracias a todos!! Ya me he quedado con la version de LISA porque tenia prisa, pero tomaré en cuenta lo dicho.

Como ha guardado el "it" pues lo he mandado asi,:o

Saludos :D